About Us
KnowItAll Ninja is a gamified e-learning website dedicated to supporting students in their GCSE,BTEC Level 3, BTEC Level 2 & OCR National education
Having worked in education for many years I had a vision for a better way to engage students in their studies. KnowItAll Ninja is the fruition of that vision.

Daniel Richardson
Our Mission
The goal of KnowItAllNinja.com is to provide a high-quality gamified e-learning experience for students studying a range of GCSE & Vocational courses.
Our e-learning revision courses prepare students for their exams in these subjects and allow teachers to easily track the students progress throughout the courses. Each course provides an interactive multi-media experience using text, images, video and quizzes. At KnowItAll Ninja we believe that the gamified learning experience is one that can better support learner’s studies.
Currently we provide e-learning course for a range of GCSE and vocational qualifications. New courses are being developed and released constantly, along with additional in-class resources to support teachers. These qualifications supported by KnowItAll Ninja include:
Our Vision
The gamified e-learning principles used by KnowItAllNinja.com have shown to improve student engagement by numerous studies. We want to expand this to support students throughout the curriculum.
Active Students
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Lessons Available