Effective Digital Working Practices

Effective Digital Working Practices

Lessons covering every topic
Quizzes for every lesson
Over 1.5 hours on-demand video
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Content Areas

Learning Aim A

Modern technologies.

Learning Aim B

Cyber security.

Learning Aim C

The wider implications of digital systems.

Learning Aim D

Planning & communication in digital systems.


How and why modern technologies are used by organisations and stakeholders to access and manipulate data, and provide access to systems and tools to complete tasks.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes Sample Module
Communication Technologies
Features & Uses of the Cloud
Selection of Cloud Technologies
Implications of Cloud Technologies
How modern technologies impact on the way organisations perform tasks.
5 Lessons | 5 Quizzes
Changes to Modern Teams
Managing Modern Teams
Communicating With Stakeholders & Accessibility
Impact of Modern Technology on Organisations
Impact of Modern Technology on Individuals
Why systems are attacked, the nature of attacks and how they occur, and the potential impact of breaches.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Why Systems are Attacked
External Threats
Internal Threats
How different measures can be implemented to protect digital systems.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
User Access Restrictions
Data Level Protection 1
Data Level Protection 2 & Finding Weaknesses
The need for and nature of security policies in organisations.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Defining Responsibilities & Parameters
Disaster Recovery
The responsible use of digital systems, including how systems and services share and exchange data as well as the environmental considerations.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Shared Data
Environmental Concerns
The legislation that governs the use of digital systems and data, and how it has an impact on the ways in which organisations use and implement digital systems.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Equal Access & Net Neutrality
Acceptable Use & Boundaries
Data Protection
Intellectual Property & Criminal Use
How organisations use different forms of notation to explain systems, data and information.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Use of Different Forms of Notation
Data Flow Diagrams
Information Flow Diagrams