Exploring User Interface Design Principles

Exploring User Interface Design Principles

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Content Areas

Learning Aim A

Understand interface design for individuals and organisations.

Learning Aim B

Be able to use project planning techniques to plan, design and develop a user interface.

Learning Aim C

Be able to review a user interface.


The use of different types of user interface and how they vary across different uses, devices and purposes.
5 Lessons | 5 Quizzes Sample Module
Introduction to User Interfaces
Further User Interfaces
Range of Uses & Devices
Factors Affecting the Choice of User Interface
Hardware & Software Influences
The varying needs of the audience and how they affect both the type and the design of the interface.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Accessibility Needs
Skill Level & Demographics
How design principles provide both appropriate and effective user interaction with hardware devices.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Visual Elements
Content & Layout
User Perception, Attention & Intuitive Design
The techniques that can be used to improve both the speed and access to user interfaces.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Efficient User Interfaces 1
Efficient User Interfaces 2
The use of different planning tools and design methodologies that can be used to plan, monitor and execute projects.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Planning Tools
Visual Planning Tools
Project planning techniques used to develop a project proposal and project plan for the development of a user interface for a given brief.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Project Proposal
Project Plan
How to produce an initial design using design principles.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Producing a Design Specification
How to use your design to produce a user interface.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Developing a User Interface 1
Developing a User Interface 2
How to review the success of the user interface and the use of their chosen project planning techniques.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Reviewing the Success of a User Interface