Information Technology Systems

Information Technology Systems

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Content Areas

Learning Aim A

Digital devices in IT systems.

Learning Aim B

Transmitting data.

Learning Aim C

Operating online.

Learning Aim D

Protecting data and information.

Learning Aim E

Impact of IT systems.

Learning Aim F



The features and uses of digital devices in IT systems to meet the needs of individuals and organisations.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes Sample Module
Digital Devices 1
Digital Devices 2
Uses of Digital Devices 1
Uses of Digital Devices 2
The features and uses of peripheral devices and media in IT systems to meet the needs of individuals and organisations.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Input & Output Devices
Storage Devices
Data Processing & Accessibility Devices
The use of, and relationships between, hardware and software that form IT systems and their impact on individuals and organisations.
6 Lessons | 6 Quizzes
Types & Role of Operating Systems
Choice & Use of User Interfaces
Performance of Operating Systems
Application Software
Image & Video File Types
Application File Types & Licences
How emerging technologies can be used by individuals and organisations.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Implications of Emerging Technologies
How the features of an IT system can affect its performance and/or the performance of a larger IT system.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Factors Affecting Choice of IT System
The implications for individuals and organisations of selecting and using wireless and wired connection types.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Wired Methods of Connecting Devices
Wireless Methods of Connecting Devices
The concepts and implications for individuals and organisations of connecting devices to form a network.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Types of Networks
Factors Affecting Choice of Network
How the features and processes of data transmission affect the use and performance of IT systems.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Data Transmission Protocols
Data Transmission Security Issues
Bandwidth, Latency & Compression
The features, impact and implications of the use of online IT systems to store data and perform tasks.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Using Online Systems
Remote Working & Choosing Online Systems
The features of online communities and the implications of their widespread use for organisations and individuals.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Interacting with Online Communities
Implications of Online Communities 1
Implications of Online Communities 2
The implications of accidental and malicious threats to the security and integrity of data, held in, and used by, IT systems.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Implication of Threats
The features, uses and implications of systems and procedures used to protect the data of individuals and organisations.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Protecting Data Techniques
Protecting Data Tools
How the features of online services are used to meet the needs of individuals and organisations.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Features of Online Services
Uses of Online Services
The impact, features & implications of IT systems used by organisations.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Features of IT Systems 1
Features of IT Systems 2
Impact of IT Systems
The uses, processes and implications for individuals and organisations of accessing and using data and information in digital form.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Data Sources
Processing & Presenting Data
Data Collection User Interfaces
The implications, for individuals, organisations and wider society, of moral and ethical factors of using information technology.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Moral & Ethical Factors 1
Moral & Ethical Factors 2
The legal issues relating to the use of IT systems and the implications for individuals, organisations and wider society.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Data & User Protection Legislation
Accessibility Legislation & Guidelines