Computer Systems

Computer Systems

Lessons covering every topic
Quizzes for every lesson
Over 2.5 hours on-demand video
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Content Areas

Topic Area 1.1

Systems architecture.

Topic Area 1.2

Memory and storage.

Topic Area 1.3

Networks, connections & protocols.

Topic Area 1.4

Network security.

Topic Area 1.5

Systems software.

Topic Area 1.6

Ethical, legal, cultural & environmental impacts of digital technology.


Data storage units, binary conversion for processing, and calculating capacity needs, from bits to petabytes.
5 Lessons | 5 Quizzes Sample Module
Units & Numbers
Binary & Decimal Numbers
Binary Addition
Hexadecimal Numbers
Binary Shifting
The architecture of the CPU, its performance characteristics, and embedded systems, detailing ALU, CU, Cache, and registers.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
CPU Architecture
Common CPU Components
The Fetch-Execute Cycle
CPU Performance & Embedded Systems
The need for and characteristics of primary and secondary storage.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Primary Storage
Secondary Storage 1
Secondary Storage 2
How characters, images and sound are represented in binary and the need for compression.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Character Sets & Images
The characteristics of different network types and topologies and the technologies they rely on.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Types of Networks
Network Hardware
The Internet
Network Topologies
The features & characteristics of different connection methods, protocols and technologies.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Modes of Connection
Addresses & Standards
Common Protocols & Layers
The threats to computer systems & networks and the common prevention methods.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Forms of Attack 1
Forms of Attack 2
Identifying & Preventing Vulnerabilities 1
Identifying & Preventing Vulnerabilities 2
The purpose and functionality of operating systems and utility software.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Operating Systems 1
Operating Systems 2
Utility Software
The impact of digital technology on wider society and the legislation relevant to computer science.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Ethical & Cultural Issues
Environmental & Privacy Issues
Data Protection & Computer Misuse
Copyright & Licencing