Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Fundamentals of Computer Systems

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Quizzes for every lesson.
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Content Areas

Learning Aim A

Hardware & software

Learning Aim B

Computer architecture

Learning Aim C

How data is represented by computer systems

Learning Aim D

How data is organised on computer systems

Learning Aim E

How data is transmitted by computer systems

Learning Aim F

The use of logic and data flow in computer systems


The concepts and implications of the use of hardware that form computer systems.
6 Lessons | 6 Quizzes Sample Module
Types of Computer Systems 1
Types of Computer Systems 2
Choice, Use & Performance of Internal Components
Input & Output Devices
Storage Devices
Factors Affecting Choice of Hardware
The concepts and implications of the use of software that form computer systems.
6 Lessons | 6 Quizzes
Types & Role of Operating Systems
Role of the Kernel
Choice & Use of User Interfaces
Performance of Operating Systems
Purpose, Features & Uses of Application Software
Choosing Software & Licences
The use, features and implications of computer systems for data processing.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
The Use of Computer Systems for Data Processing
Data Processing Functions
Data Across Multiple Systems & Backups
The features, characteristics & implications of differrent computer architecture models.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Computer Architecture Models
Emulation & Choosing Architecture Models
The features, characteristics, and implications of microarchitecture concepts.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Executing Instructions
Parallel Processing & Cache
Features of CPU Architecture
The types, function and purpose of registers in a computer system.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Registers and Interrupts
The use and interpretation of number systems used in computer systems.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Use of Different Number Systems
Binary Arithmetic
The purpose & implications of text and image representation in computer systems.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Text Representation
Image Representation
The characteristics and implications of methods of organising data in computer systems, and its impact on computer processes.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Data Structures 1
Data Structures 2
Indices & Matrices
The concepts, processes and implications of data transmission in and between computer systems.
5 Lessons | 5 Quizzes
Data Transmission
Connection Methods
Packets & Protocols
The methods, concepts, implications & applications of error detection in data transmission.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Error Detection
Error Correction
The use, application and interpretation of Boolean logic for data flow, logical structures & problem solving.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Logic Diagrams & Truth Tables
Data Flow & Solving Problems
The use, application and interpretation of flow charts and diagrams for data flow & problem solving.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Flowcharts & System Diagrams