Planning & Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea

Planning & Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea

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Content Areas

Learning Aim A

Choose an idea and produce a plan for a micro-enterprise idea

Learning Aim B

Present a plan for the micro-enterprise idea to meet specific requirements

Learning Aim C

Review the presentation of the micro-enterprise idea to meet specific requirements


Generating innovative & realistic ideas for a micro-enterprise and choosing or rejecting them.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes Sample Module
Generating & Choosing Ideas
Innovative Ideas
Completing an accurate and realistic business plan for your chosen micro-enterprise idea within a given budget.
10 Lessons | 10 Quizzes
Planning and Types of Ownership
Aims of the Micro-Enterprise
Features of the Product
Pricing of the Product
Methods of Promotion
Identifying the Target Market
Resources Required
Financial Information
Risk Assessment
Viability of the Plan
The skills to produce an electronic presentation that summarises the business plan.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Selection & Sequencing of Information
Written Communication Skills
Consistent & Appropriate Visual Presentation
The skills to deliver an electronic presentation that summarises the business plan.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Methods of Recording & Delivery
Accurate & Effective Verbal Communication
Engaging Non-Verbal Communication
Reviewing the skills you demonstrated in the production and delivery of the presentation.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Review of the Skills Demonstrated