Digital Analysis, Legislation & Emerging Issues

Digital Analysis, Legislation & Emerging Issues

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Quizzes for every lesson
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Content Areas

Content Area 1

Problem solving.

Content Area 2

Introduction to programming.

Content Area 3

Emerging issues and impact of digital.

Content Area 4

Legislation and regulatory requirements.


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Analysing problems and solving them through algorithmic thinking and solutions.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes Sample Module
Modularisation & Decomposition
Pattern Recognition
Designing, understanding, and applying algorithms to solve problems efficiently.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Algorithm Design
Improving Algorithms
Understanding data types and structures fundamental to programming.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Handling Data Within A Program
Data Structures – Lists
Data Structures – Dictionaries
Data Structures – Arrays
Utilising arithmetic, relational, and logical operators in programming.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Arithmetic, Relational & Logical Operators
Managing file input and output operations within programs.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
File Operations
The essential elements of sequence, selection, and iteration in programming.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Sequential Programming
Selection Programming
Iteration Programming
Using pre-existing functions to enhance code efficiency.
6 Lessons | 6 Quizzes
Random Number Functions
Range & Rounding Functions
String Functions
Basic Input & Output Functions
Library Functions
Functions & Procedures
The function, benefits and drawbacks of standard searching and sorting algorithms.
5 Lessons | 5 Quizzes
Linear Search
Binary Search
Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Ensuring the reliability and robustness of programs through error checking.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Validating Data 1
Validating Data 2
Writing clear, understandable, and modifiable code.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Maintainable Code
Developing tests to ensure programs function as intended.
2 Lessons | 2 Quizzes
Component Testing & Methodologies
Root Cause Analysis & Test Plans
Discussing the societal and ethical implications of digital technology.
4 Lessons | 4 Quizzes
Understanding the Issues 1
Understanding the Issues 2
Understanding the Issues 3
Response to Ethical & Moral Issues
Exploring new and evolving technologies in the digital landscape.
1 Lesson | 1 Quiz
Implications of Emerging Technologies
Understanding laws relevant to digital design and development.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Data Protection & Computer Misuse
Health & Safety and Equality
Intellectual Property, Monitoring & International Law
Following best practices and ethical guidelines in the digital industry.
3 Lessons | 3 Quizzes
Codes of Conduct
Guidelines & Agreed Standards
Acceptable Use Policies